Thursday, December 31, 2009
A few more hours and it will be a new year.. hiaz time flies very fast. It so fast that i cant take a break. didnt get a chance to cherish everything that i had with my love ones.
Maybe i should spent my days with my loved ones more this new year. I shall make that as my one of my new resolution.
Another resolution is that to see my mum healthy and i shall make her happy..
Today i get whacked from a customer.
What the hell.. It's not even my fault lah.. Fine then.
Customer is always right mah.. What can i do??
On Mon hopefully i can get the sales back on the track ..
Please pray hard for me..
| Breaking Down 10:19:00 PM
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Today went to raffles place to accompany wardah to take her shots for her project.
Wake up early after sleeping quiet late the other night. Tired and sleepy but because of friend i force myself to wake up.
Lots of people were there and mostly tourists.
Went to coffee bean and get something light to eat.
feel like staying there for awhile but then need to go since there something i need to do.We are on the way back to the MRT when it starts pouring..
We started to jog and it start to get heavier. It so cool!!! running in the rain.
| Breaking Down 2:20:00 PM
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Today is half day and i get 1 sale.. Thank god since yesterday i didnt get anything dont know why.
after i hit my target( 3 sales per day ) i didnt get even 1. so sad. Luckily didnt get shouted from her. hiaz..
Enjoy myself today.. party at work. exchange give and lucky draw.
1st time celebrate with frends.
3 days for me to at least take a break from stressing work..
let me have a breathe of air
| Breaking Down 11:14:00 PM
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Bad & sad news.. I've been transfer to do sales again. Ouh man! how could this happen to me before end of the year? why cant she transfer me next year?? what mistakes i did now?
Going to work now has been a chore for me. I dont feel like going to work anymore.
It has been like a phobia for me.
Yesterday is my 3rd day in the sales. I'm struggling. up to date i get only 5 sales in 3 days. for me i think i did my super best. but you know of course people demand more from me.
Like hello she just cant understand me that i'm struggling and i almost give up calling.
almost break down. but i know i cant give up.. friends always giving me support..
2 more months..
jiayou redha i know i can do it!!!!!!
| Breaking Down 12:58:00 AM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Today is Taufik's birthday. Happy birthday
Today at work is very sucks. no mood to do work.. hiaz
Luckily 2 more months to go.. need to persevere.
reach home and i found out that my things have been move..
I just hate it!!!! Can u all dont touch my things without permission??? Do u understand the meaning of privacy??? if not i can teach u..
dah lah masuk my room and take things without permission..
| Breaking Down 9:38:00 PM